By: Dr. Christopher Lim
Posted on: July 30, 2019

For many years cosmetic dentistry was only within reach of high profile celebrities. Regular folks just couldn’t manage the cost or time required for Hollywood perfect smiles. Dentistry is a fast evolving field, though. Materials and techniques improved, more dentists invested in the necessary training and equipment, results became extremely predictable, and cosmetic treatment got more affordable. It seems that everything in Las Vegas is a step above the expected, including beautiful smiles. Dr. Christopher Lim and his team at Hillside Dental deliver on that expectation every day, with capable cosmetic dentistry.

Cosmetic dentistry has become mainstream for many good reasons. Once there was a perception of excess or vanity associated with investing in a gorgeous smile. Today it is as accepted as staying fit, having your hair or nails done, or smoothing wrinkles with Botox. It is simply a way to look better and feel good about yourself.

Self-image is one of the most important returns on your investment in cosmetic dentistry, and even subtle changes can have a significant impact on self esteem. Many people cringe for years at a reflection in the mirror that shows misalignment, gaps, damage, or discoloration. Dr. Lim finds that the effects of a smile makeover ripple far beyond the lips – these individuals square their shoulders, hold their heads a little higher, and face the world with confidence.

An investment in cosmetic dentistry also pays big dividends in social and business settings. Those individuals that cringe at the mirror’s reflection also duck their heads and refrain from smiling at others. They are naturally perceived as shy, unfriendly, or unprofessional. That impacts success in the board room and the bedroom.

You smile makeover doesn’t have to be complex and expensive. Dr. Lim takes time to understand what you’d like to accomplish, and customizes a plan that fits your goals, lifestyle, schedule, and budget. It could be as simple as professional teeth whitening, or replacing old, dark dental work with new tooth colored fillings that blend beautifully. It might be as fast as porcelain veneers or no-prep Lumineers, requiring just a visit or two. Or it might be a combination approach, phased in over time, taking care of the most important changes first.

Are you ready for a fresh perspective on dental care? Dr. Christopher Lim is the southwest Las Vegas dentist who is eager to paint a beautiful new smile for you. Call Hillside Dental at (702) 666-8584 for an appointment.

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