When Is Root Canal Necessary?

When Is Root Canal Necessary?

By: Hillside Dental
Posted on: February 28, 2023

Root canals are similar to Mini-Rooters® that clean out decay without removing the tooth. During the procedure, your endodontist begins by extracting tooth decay and bacteria from the root, nerve, and pulp.


Antibiotics help dentists disinfect the area and fill in the tooth's roots. They complete the procedure by sealing the target area to avoid the growth of new decay. Though the tooth remains in place after a root canal, it leaves it more fragile. Your dentist will cover it with a crown to make it less vulnerable.


Why Get a Root Canal?


Your symptoms dictate whether this procedure is necessary or not. However, visit a dentist for a proper diagnosis. Some of the signs that qualify you for a root canal include the following:


Distended Gums

Having an aching tooth with puffy gums may indicate that you need a tooth canal. The swelling may be sensitive to your touch and appear and disappear. The edema results from the buildup of acidic waste from dead pulp issues around the root tip area.


Sometimes, you may develop a pimple around your gum that looks like an abscess, gumboil, or parulis. It can secrete pus that has a nasty taste and gives you foul breath.


Tooth Motion


An infection on a tooth can make it feel loose. Despite nerve death or pulpal necrosis, other factors may contribute to the symptom, necessitating a root canal. The acidic byproduct of this infection softens the dying root, causing it to feel loose. If this issue is present in multiple teeth, you may need more specialized care than a root canal.


Tooth Pain

If you feel pain in a particular tooth when touching or eating, it could be a sign of nerve damage or severe tooth decay. The best solution is a root canal, especially if the sensitivity persists even when you are not eating. The pain results from irritation on the ligament due to the buildup of waste from a dying pulp.


Sensitivity to Heat or Cold

If you experience sharp pain or dull ache on a particular tooth when you eat or drink hot or cold foods, a root canal can help. The procedure is helpful when the sensitivity persists, even when not eating or drinking. The pain may be a sign of damage or infection in your nerves and blood vessels in your tooth.


Persistent Pain

Persistent or recurring toothaches are one clear sign that you should visit your dentist for a root canal. The pain may emanate from deep in your tooth and can also move to your jaw, face, or surrounding teeth.

Though a root canal is an ideal treatment for tooth pain, other factors may also cause the symptom, negating the procedure. These possibilities include:


  • Gum disease

  • Damaged filling

  • Cavities

  • Impact on an infected tooth

  • Pain from other causes like sinus infections


Cracked or chipped teeth from an accident create an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria. They can cause sensitivity, pain, infection, or inflammation that may benefit from a root canal.


For more information on a root canal, call Hillside Dental at our office in Las Vegas, Nevada. Call (702) 666-8584 (new patients) or (702) 895-7799 (existing patients) to schedule an appointment today.

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