Emergency Dental Services

Accidents and Trauma

Dental trauma is any injury to your teeth, gums, jawbone or soft tissues of your mouth. Accidents, such as falls, car wrecks and sports-related injuries are the main cause of traumatic dental injuries.

Early treatment gives you the best chance for full recovery.

Broken and Fractured Teeth

Restoration treatment is usually recommended by your dentist if you have missing teeth, or if specific parts of your natural teeth are missing and require repair.

Examples of this include tooth structure that is missing due to:

  • fracture or damage

  • the deterioration of an existing repair

  • decay

Root Canals

When the blood or nerve supply of a tooth (often known as the ‘pulp’) becomes damaged through injury, infection, or decay, it can cause the nerve of the tooth to die. Years ago this would have meant that the tooth would have to be removed entirely before the whole area became infected. However, thanks to root canal treatment, it is now possible to save teeth that are at risk from the damaged pulp.


Dental crowns are a very common, popular solution to repair damaged or unsightly teeth. They take the form of a tooth-shaped ‘hat’ that sits over the problem tooth, encasing it entirely right down to the gum line. Crowns are an ideal way to restore the strength, shape, size and overall appearance of any damaged teeth.


There are many different treatments available for badly damaged or decayed teeth, but unfortunately, sometimes a tooth is beyond repair and can leave an unsightly gap in your smile. Gaps between your teeth can seriously knock your confidence, and can even have a negative impact on the functionality of your other teeth and the overall use of your mouth since, over time, your remaining teeth can shift around, causing misalignment as well as a range of other associated dental problems.

Dental bridges fill the gap where the missing tooth would have been by using a false tooth, which looks and feels just like the real thing.

The false tooth also holds the remaining teeth either side in place so that they don’t shift into that space.


Fillings are the simplest and most commonly used variety of dental restoration. They are created from gold, silver amalgam or tooth-colored composite resin and can be put into your tooth in just one visit to your dentist’s office.


Dental implants are becoming increasingly popular as they are an extremely robust solution to missing, damaged or unsightly teeth. They are made up of three parts – a titanium screw or post that is inserted into your jaw bone, a crown that acts as a replacement tooth, and an abutment that holds them both together.

Implants are permanent, and once they are in place, you will be able to eat, drink and talk without any impact on your day to day life.


Whether this trauma comes in the form of an accident/injury like a blow to the face, or advanced decay or gum disease, if you experience damage to your teeth that goes beyond what can be confidently repaired with other treatments, extraction may be considered. This is especially the case if the structures that help to hold teeth in place (the socket and root) are damaged too. At this stage, extraction can prevent further complications, including severe infections from developing, that could affect the health of the rest of your mouth.

Denture Repair

Dentures are often a difficult topic for people to discuss. It can be embarrassing for many patients to be able to talk with friends and family about their dental health and for these reasons, dentures may also be surrounded in your mind with a negative stigma. When you rely on them and they hurt to wear or they are wearing out, this impacts your day to day life. We are here to help in case they have an issue!

However, dentures are a normal part of many people’s lives, and when you are empowered with the right knowledge, you can feel confident that you are making the best decisions for your dental health.

Dentures tend to increase a person’s quality of life through an improved appearance, reduced or eliminated pain, and the restored ability to eat the foods that they enjoy.

While getting dentures can be a huge benefit for many patients, there are some things that may limit the success of dentures.

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